Whatever the reason you find yourself here, Synergy BD can offer flexible packages to suit your business needs. Looking to increase you busines valuation? Need to increase sales but can't justify a full time wage? Our experience allows us to get up to speed quickly with your business and focus on what needs doing. All our packages can be tailored to suit the amount of hours needed to get the job done. With weekly/bi-weekly/monthly catch ups to suit. For a full understanding of how our service works please get in touch as we understand each need is unique to each business. Below will give you a good overview of how we operate. Don't hesitate to get in touch with any questions...
Business Development (Hunter)
Our core service. This entails a full onboarding process whereby we get to know your business and what your goals, targets and aspirations are. We have our three packages available; Entry, Mid Tier and Premium. However these packages are often further tailored to best suit your businesses needs and requirements. We understand as a small business the need for realistic flexibility and transparency when working with a sales partner. This service utilises phone calls, emails, linkedIn, round tables, event presence, door to door and more; often encompassing the entire sales journey through to a close, dependant on your business requirements. To learn more about how our packages vary and cost please get in touch for a free no obligation conversation.
Account Management (Farmer)
We also provide an account management service. Our farming service allows us to maintain and build existing relationships. Looking for opportunity in your existing customer base using qualified pareto sales techniques and expertise. Effectively managing your sales cycles and maximising your success via existing channels. Often success from our business development service can lead to an opportunity to transition from one to the other, or being bolted on alongside a continuation of the business development package you are on too.
Telesales (Face Value - Appointment / Meeting Setting)
This package is your Telesales arm. We get to know your product and business with the main aim to set meetings/calls/appointments for an existing member of your team. Also starting with an onboarding session, we will learn enough about your company/product/service in order to allow us to create opportunities for you. This is less of a consultancy package and can be based on KPI’s vs Hours. Our experience will allow us to effectively pitch your business via telephone/email in order to get your existing team in front of the decision maker. Ultimately less in-depth and comprehensive than the Hunter package, while still benefiting from our expertise, experience and qualified tele sales team.
All our partnerships regardless of package work via regular communication and strategic reviews. We align closely with your brand and sales objectives, adapting our strategies to meet your evolving needs and ensure we are always working towards your goals. Next to this, our goal is to become your extended sales arm in your territory of choice and we thus prefer to directly represent your brand, similar to any inhouse sales team.